This project involved creating a line drawing and converting it into a 3d object, then placing it in a 2d image. There was a separate assignment to work with text in 3d, so I went ahead and incorporated that in the final image as well. The line drawing must have a fill before it can go into 3d, and the text must be rasterized. The 3d feature itself is very handy and manipulative, but I would like to see a greater range of materials for covering the surfaces. I also found that it can be a challenge to successfully place a 3d object on a 2d background without it looking awkward. The text stands on its own pretty easily, but I ended up using the multiply blend mode for the arrow so that it didn't look pasted on. I ended up with the arrow taking on the texture of the asphalt, which was really what I was looking for in the materials list of the 3d feature, (kind of a speed bump effect), so it worked out pretty well.